Living and exploring the creative side of life.

Category Archives: Self Improvement

When I started this journey of having my own antiques booth I really got in way over my head. Before I knew it, I had become a full-fledged, card-carrying member of the hoarding community. It is embarrassing to think back and realize what I put myself and my poor family  through. 

Auction Items





My garage was packed with furniture, tools, dirt, ancient rat poop, and it smelled like a thrift store. When the garage was full I started filling up the basement with my “finds” from my daily trips to the thrift stores. I was obsessed with shopping for junk to sell. I don’t remember much except that I was in serious denial. So, slowly, over the past year, I have rented two large storage units and have begun to clear my house. Tomorrow I am loading up a truck and taking one whole 20 X 20 storage unit contents to be auctioned off. I am hurting inside to sell it all but I am also overjoyed at the prospect of ridding my life of all that STUFF. it’s a big step and I am excited. I still have a long way to go but it’s happening! Being a junk obsessed crazy person is no way to live, it eats at my insides and I constantly feel guilt and then I buy more and pile on to it with more guilt. It’s way more involved than what I am writing here, I encourage those of you who recognize this behavior in yourself to take a step to start getting a grip on your hoarding tendencies and please say a prayer for me, I need all the help I can get!